Friday, 27 April 2012

Real Techniques Stippling Brush...

Real Techniques by Samantha Chapman Stippling Brush...

In urgent need of a stippling brush I didn't want to splurge on a MAC nor did I want to wait for a Sigma to be shipped for weeks... Waiting for ever to be able to get the Real Techniques brushes at Boots I somehow missed their arrival!! But today as I was choosing facial cleansing sponges I suddenly noticed the Samantha's brushes staring at me!! So here it is, the stippling brush already tried and tested! Very happy with it! The only con that comes to mind is the shape of the handle... It's not very practical to store the brushes standing up, when you have one or two it may work, not when it times [at least a good] 10... 

But I'm into quality brushes and so storing them in separate jars or vintage cups makes more sense to me, and that handle seems to eat a lot of space... Apart from the design I really love this brush!! Applying cream blush has never been so easy and flawless... The blush I'm wearing in the pic is Maybelline Dream Mousse Blush in Plum [featured in one of the Lisa Eldridge's videos]... When I first got the blush I absolutely loved the colour but not the finger application, it went on very patchy, not any more!!  Just on time to embrace spring weather [whenever that will happen again in London] I am now enjoying all my cream blushes! Check out my last post about YSL cream blush that I've been loving!

And if you somehow don't know who Samantha Chapman is do check out the beauty youtube channel Pixiwoo she does with her sister Nic! One of my favourite looks Sam created is her most recent Charlize Theron Charcoal Grey Smokey Makeup Tutorial - beautiful!


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