Thursday, 12 February 2015

Cosmetics a la Carte Rose Skincare!

Hey Beauty Lovers! I had a little rumble in my beauty cupboard in the hope of finding some rescue skincare for my currently under-the-weather dehydrated winter skin and came across this lovely trio! First of all I absolutely love rose scented skincare and secondly these three skincare products are exactly what dull winter skin needs right now. I love the packaging, scent and texture of Cosmetics a la Carte Rose skincare range. The light-weight texture of the Rose Dew Moisturiser & Make-Up Primer is perfect for the awakening of the winter dormant skin, it helps to plump dull winter skin with moisture for that naturally dewy skin finish. 

Both the Rose Water and Rose Dew are suitable for all skin types and are the epiphany of Spring skin! I am also very much fond of the Rose Hydrabalm, which is a collagen enhancing & hydrating lip balm, again the scent and texture are lovely! This sort of skincare gets me very excited for winter-to-spring skin transition. I have always associated the V-Day with the soon-to-come mellow Spring sunshine and the goodbye-wave to  freezing cold Winter days, which in abundance suck all the moisture out of the skin. So why not give someone you love the pleasure of beautiful skincare this upcoming V-Day, or indeed to yourself!


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