Friday, 28 September 2012

Post-LFW Foot Therapy...

Running around all day in heels during LFW SS13 every day, was painful! You can hardly turn up to a fashion show at the end of the day in flip flops... Or at least it's a no-no in my world! So I chose to suffer... I was coming home every night kicking off my shoes and having a quick foot bath to replenish them a little... Soon I realised I needed more than just a foot bath... And so I looked into good quality foot products... This is a bunch I chose and have really enjoyed them...  

It was time for post-LFW foot therapy... This week I was staying in pretty much every night writing and doing other stuff that's keeping me super busy at the moment... Sitting behind your desk [at home] is the perfect time for foot creams, toners, and sprays... Feet is something we usually don't pay that much attention to... But now my feet look so groomed and feel so smooth... You know the feeling when you wake up and your feet feel silky under the sheets... 

I will do separate reviews on the products with more details but I would really recommend all of the products featured here! Caudalie Foot Beauty Cream, Soap & Glory Heel Genius Foot Cream, and Liz Earle Foot Repair Moisturiser helped to hydrate the skin... The essential oils in Dr.Hauschka Rosemary Leg and Arm Toner did a fantastic job to relieve pain and tiredness in the legs... Liz Earle Foot Scrub is the best scrub I've ever tried, it works immediately... Liz Earle Foot Spritzer helped to refresh my feet after a long day...


1 comment:

  1. Infashion love most popular cosmetic product.I am using some item .Foot spa dry therapy is one of them. It's very useable in over world.
