Monday, 24 September 2012

LFW SS13 Rock Vault & West Wing Showrooms...



 Victim Fashion Street

Victim Fashion Street

Victim Fashion Street

Carla Fernandez

Carla Fernandez

Liora Lassalle

Liora Lassalle

Liora Lassalle

Joanna Cave

Joanna Cave

Joanna Cave

Joanna Cave

Yunus & Eliza

Yunus & Eliza

Yunus & Eliza

Yunus & Eliza

Yunus & Eliza

Yunus & Eliza

Kat Maconie

Kat Maconie

Kat Maconie

Richard Braqo

Richard Braqo

Alejandro Ingelmo

Alejandro Ingelmo

Alejandro Ingelmo
[a stunner!!]

Tom Ford - Darling
[dresses inspired by old classic films...]

 Holly Fulton

  Holly Fulton

 Unfortunately I forgot to take down the designer's name for these beautiful headpieces..
They were created for the catwalk show, so they are quite dramatic..

 Modern Love

[I couldn't not feel patriotic, 
when I saw Vilshenko blouse with an authentic Ukrainian ornament]




It was another wonderful day at the Somerset House LFW SS13 The Exhibition... Having done half of it the previous time, I dived into the West Wind this time... I particularly enjoyed Carla Frenandez pieces and the idea behind them... Both the garments and jewellery were created by Mexican tribes who used their handwoven hammock techniques for centuries... Joanna Cave jewellery stood out to me with it's delicate design, and the tassel detail gives a new approach to gold jewellery, which I love.. Yunus & Eliza were the designers of the chunky, dark pieces... Quite different to the previous jewellery, but just like in life one day you may feel delicate & fragile, and next day rough & strong... Their collection was filled with skulls, claws, faces, animals - and every piece felt strong and powerful... 

Vilshenko was a designer I was familiar with previously and was looking forward to see her new pieces... Olga Vilshenko is a Russian born designer with an Ukrainian name, go figure... But being half Ukrainian half Russian myself, sometimes things get mixed... Vilshenko's collections always stay true to her roots, Ukrainian/Russian folklore prints and patterns are always present on her garments... And when I went into Vilshenko's showroom the first piece I saw was the off white blouse with that authentic red+black embroidered ornament, I felt at home...

My favourite shoe of the entire LFW SS13 has to be the stunning teal snakeskin pump by Alejandro Ingelmo - it's iconic! The most iconic beautiful shoe to me is the Manolo Blahnik Something Blue, which I actually was very happy to see on a girl at Somerset House during LFW Day 4... And this one comes right after it... When you see that Alejandro Ingelmo pump in real life it's like all the other shoes in the room suddenly fall and die... It just stuns you and stays with you forever...


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