Sunday, 9 December 2012

John Frieda Give Away, Ho Ho Ho!!

Christmas is all about giving! And so I thought to do a give away to one of my lucky readers/followers, Ho Ho Ho! You will get a full set of John Frieda Radiant Red or Brilliant Brunette range if you answer one simple question: Is John Frieda a. a hairdresser b. a singer or c. an actor? Leave your answer in the comment box below! 

This give away is open till Wednesday the 12.12.12 :)



  1. Hey lovely :)

    The answer is a. A hairdresser.

    Thank you, what a lovely giveaway xx

    1. Congrats! You are the winner!! :))) Will email you regarding the goodies! xx

    2. Thank you so much, I'm so excited :)

      I got your email but I just wanted to say thank you on here too lovely.

      I love your blog and I recommend you to everyone I know :) xx

    3. Oh that's very sweet of you, thank you! :) Hope you'll enjoy the Brilliant Brunette range, I always use the Sheer Blonde and love it! xx
