Thursday, 27 December 2012

Post-Christmas Catch Up!

Hey everyone, I hope you had a lovely Christmas! Mine was great, just what I needed: unlimited resting, eating lots of delicious home-cooked food and watching festive movies, oh yeh! And the unwrapping of the presents was the funnest part [of course], I hope Santa made you smile, he certainly made me... Speaking of which, I finally waved goodbye to my BlackBerry that by this point just felt ancient, and just in time for Christmas I got the new iPhone, a present to myself... And let me tell you, it's a-mazing! I finally feel like I can do a lot more on the go... I've been glued to my iPhone for days when it got delivered, so many fun apps to check out! I am now on Instagram, yay!! It is soo addictive... Feel free to follow me on Instagram, you'll find me under alyonainfashionlove, to see what I get upto, the lipstick of the day I'm wearing, more of Mr Barney [my fluffball] and lots more... 

I took a few days off, just to really unwind, it has been the most busy November/December in my entire life, although it was fun but still you sometimes just need those few days to recharge your batteries... Having been so busy I haven't had a chance to finish off my Beast Necklaces, so they'll have to wait for the New Year... But I will take few snaps on Instagram so you can check them out... I think that's all I wanted to say for now my lovelies... There will be couple more posts before the New Year, I think I might do a couple of looks, not sure yet, stay tuned...



  1. I hope you had an amazing Christmas Hunni and you have a brilliant New Year :)
    Santa was mighty good to me too.
    Glad to see you back and can't wait to see the posts start flying out again xxx

    1. aww thank you so much Wendy!! :) got so many ideas for the new year, lots of products to review and looks to create! should be an awesome year!!! yahh :)) xxx
