Saturday, 4 August 2012

Broken Heart Is Nothing, What Comes After Is Something...

I had two crushes and both were big crash-downs... One bigger than the other... At 21 things were pretty, it's your first deep love, and also your first broken heart.. But when your heart gets broken at 27 it's a different story... Just six years apart yet million miles away... It took me years to recover from my first crash, I wondered how long it would take me this time... At 21 I was crying and crying and thinking I'd never stop... Not that I didn't do the homework at 27, sure I cried myself to sleep a few times... But now, just now I am truly over my second big crush... Something like two years down the line things look completely different than they did when we first split...What seemed so big back then is just ordinary now... And that is the recipe for getting over someone who broke your heart - stop seeing them as special and start seeing them as what they are... By now I'm crash-proof... I don't have time for that... I have no time for sadness, pain, or regret... Do I think he is still somewhere out there, the one and only? Honestly, right now, I don't know... He might be, he might not be... But life goes on... And if you'll meet someone who truly will deserve your love, be a strong person and your life companion then that's great! But meanwhile there are plenty of other beautiful things to love about life...


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