Wednesday, 3 October 2012

How to Make Pretty Lavender Sachets...

Last night, after I decided I had to drown my Saint Laurent and Chanel sorrows after seeing the entire SS13 show images, I begun making these lavender sachets... Yes, I was feeling that sad! I don't know about the end of the world this year, but it's definitely been the end of the fashion world this season for me... Saint Laurent lost Yves somewhere between the cowgirl and a witch... And Chanel has puffed up the shoulders and lost the feminine shape making the classic Chanel suit unrecognisable... Designers have slowly been trying to push us into looking more masculine with the shoe shape and the trouser width, but SS13 has put the end to femininity and glamour amongst most designers... How sad... Now we are supposed to look like men... What's next, lady-tash? 

Anyway, last month as I begun to pull out my sweaters I noticed a few holes here and there I started searching for the pack of some French lavender that I got last spring and was meaning to make these pouches... Doing things with your hands can be really relaxing and therapeutic, and besides I really had to take my mind of the fashion SS13 grief... You can make all sorts of shapes of lavender sachets and decorate them which ever way suits your taste... You can make them as pretty and as simple as you want... I used fine mesh fabric, beads, embroidery threads and thin ribbon, going for a love theme, naturally... 


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