Monday, 22 October 2012

Lee Stafford Arganoil + Solution Spray...

As I have mentioned previously, October is all about haircare products, well almost... I decided to do a combined blog post on these two Lee Stafford products rather than doing two separate posts as I have used them together... Lee Stafford Solution Spray is great for those of us who hate how our hair looks the day it's washed... It takes away the frizziness and fluffiness of freshly washed hair and gives it a more sleek appearance... You need to spray it over still wet hair and then blow dry as usual... 

Before I blow dried my hair tho, I also sprayed the Arganoil from Morocco, Miracale Heat Defence Spray... Argan oil is very good for conditioning anything skin, hair... Argan oil is very rich and nutritious... And so I quite like the idea of having an Argan oil based heat protection spray... It doesn't feel oily by any means, it's a lightweight spray which I like as it doesn't weight down or make my fine hair greasy... It gives your hair this pretty natural shine... What I also quite liked about these two products is that although I didn't use any volumising products my hair didn't end up looking flat, it looked naturally shiny but still had some shape to it... Stay tuned for my volumising + texture Lee Stafford haircare products feature!


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