Saturday, 4 January 2014

On-Trend: Holographic Nailart with Ciate Colourfoil Manicure!

 BarryM BLE2013 B330 [Limited Edition]

Ciate Colourfoil Manicure - Holographic foil.


Hey Beauty Lovers! Ciate Very Colourfoil Manicure is a rather fun thing to do on a late rainy weekend evening... I have gone for something a little crazy, a bright yellow nailpolish isn't really a winter shade, but I had a serious colour-craving and decided to break the rules. This BarryM yellow is a Limited Edition shade that I got back in the summer, so I'm not sure if it's still available, but I love how glossy and super opaque it is! Ciate Very Colourfoil Manicure come in two styles I believe, one is all metallic foils and the other all holographic foils, each set has six shades. It also comes with a full size Ciate nailpolish in Cream Soda [cream grey], a Foil Fix [glue] and a nail-wheel. 

Basically once your nailpolish has dried you then need to apply a thin layer of Foil Fix in the places where you want the foil to stick, then wait until it has gone from white to transparent and press the foil matte side down and that's it. Very simple and super fun!


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