Hey Beauties! We are well into September, which mean by now your summer's tan has subsided... Although I am absolutely terrible at DIY fake-tanning I also don't like looking pale, so I decided to give this bareMinerals Faux Tan Body a try, mainly because I have loved their every single skincare and makeup product I have tried so far. And of course bareMinerals didn't let down this time either! It is literally a-mazing!!
Firstly you need to make sure your skin is really smooth, fake-tanners tend to stick to dry areas of skin. So you just need to use a body scrub before applying the fake-tanner. The way I prefer doing it is on the night when I am relaxed and have plenty of time I start with a nice bath, then use my Soap & Glory Flake Away body scrub, once my skin is prepped and silky smooth I then move on to the fake-tanner. Probably using a fake-tanning mitt would be a good idea, but I don't have one and just apply the Faux Tan Body with bare hands. It's a nice lotion-like consistency and has a very dark brown tint to it, which means you can see where you already have applied it. Also it gives you that instant bronzed sun-kissed looking skin, and then over night it develops into a gorgeous even natural looking tan.
You can build it up every night to go darker, for me one application gives me a nice weeks tan [I tan really slow] and two applications a good two weeks tan. It stays nicely after showers, and lasted a whole week. After a week it gently goes away, without any stains or irregularity on the skin. Also it has a pretty golden colour to it, none of that orange-business. After applying the fake-tanner I avoid putting anything on for a couple of minutes, making sure the tan has dried. Tip: make sure to wash your hands a few times immediately after you have finished applying it. I also use a tiny scoop of my body scrub to make sure I get every little bit of the fake-tanner off my hands. Also to keep your tan for longer I would recommend to use a hydrating body lotion every time before going to bed.
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