Friday, 6 September 2013

Floral Nail Art Using a Fine Artists Brush!

 Zoya Jacqueline

From L to R:
Essie Fear Or Desire, Jessica Blushing Princess, Avon Viva Pink, 
Zoya Wednesday, Zoya Jacqueline, Orly Prelude To A Kiss

Hey Beauties! Omg I have had so much fun creating this super pretty floral nailart, and even more fun wearing it! A couple of times in the past I have tried using the nailart striper, it's basically a thin and super long nailart brush. But I just can't do it, after horrendously messing up my manicure I have been traumatised and gave up on the idea of using it ever again. And this is why last month I have blogged about my recently purchased nailart dotting tools which makes nailart super easy even if you are totally new to nailart. So check out those blogposts.

However, a girl who I follow on Instagram mentioned this other girl who does the most amazing cool looking awesome nailart - MrCandiipants, she also has a YouTube channel where she shows how she creates her designs, she is super talented so go check her out! Basically there's this this vid called Spring Floral Nail Art where she creates a super neat and pretty floral design simply using the brushes from the nailpolish bottles. I decided to give it a go but most of the brushes from the nailpolishes I picked have a wide brush so instead I used a simple synthetic artists brush I had lying around [Deler-Rowney Size 2 Round brush]. And it worked beautifully!

What I realised watching Candice nail art vids is that the more offsetting colours you use the more you will make the colours pop, and that is what makes nailart look really beautiful! So here is how I did it: for the base colour I applied two coats of Zoya Jacqueline [off white with a sheen], then for the dark flower I used Jessica Blushing Princess [raspberry cream], and for the centre I used Essie Fear Or Desire [bright orange cream]. For the other flower I used Avon Viva Pink [cream pink], this one looks sheer when applied once so it's great for nailart as it makes it look as if other colours were blended. For the centre of the pink flower I used Orly Prelude To A Kiss [pale pastel cream peach]. And for the leaves I used Zoya Wednesday [cream pale teal]. This is I think my favourite mani of all times, so far!


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