Friday, 23 November 2012

Gift Guide 2012: Soft Waves Step by Step...

The end result: soft waves...

Step One: curl all sections of you hair and bobby pin them into place, spray them with a bit of hairspray...

Step Two: minutes later after the hair cools down take the bobby pins out...

Step Three: finally go through your hair with fingers to soften the waves and finish off with hairspray!

Things you will need: hairspray, bobby pins, heat defence spray [which I forgot to include]...

The hairspray of my choice is Percy & Reed Reassuring Firm Session Hold Hairspray!
Great for a natural hold, leaves the hair still feeling soft and beautiful to touch...

And of course you'll need a curling wand!
This is the BaByliss Boutique Soft Waves Professional 210C styler...

...comes with 5 digital temperature settings...

...including heat mat and glove...

Personally I think soft waves look is the most flattering hair style a girl could go for... And since Christmas is slowly coming closer and closer, I can literally feel the anticipation bubbling up, it's about time to start thinking about your hair, and how to make it look beautiful... I thought to share a few tips how to create a  relaxed beautiful wave, that doesn't look like you were trying to hard... It really is simple! All you need is a curling wand with a wide barrel, bobby pins, heat defence spray and hairspray!

The curling wand of my choice is the BaByliss Boutique Soft Waves Professional 210C styler... I like it because the barrel is 34mm so it's not thin, the wider barrels are great for that relaxed soft wave... Also it's a ceramic barrel, which is good for making your waves more shiny... It doesn't have a clamp, which is perfect for smooth waves as it won't create any kinks! This curling wand comes with a heat resistant glove so that you obviously don't burn your fingertips, a heat mat that you can rest the hot barrel on to prevent damaging any surface... And it has 5 digital temperature settings - 165C, 180C, 195C and 210C, I like to curl my hair with 180C, holding it for something like 10-15 seconds...

Before I start curling my hair I always spray a heat defence spray, which I forgot to include when taking the picture, but in case you want to know I used the Lee Stafford Arganoil from Morocco Miracle Heat Defence Spray, which is great for giving you that extra bit of shine... Then I do the curling, always curling away from my face, I gently let the hair slide off the barrel onto my palm holding it for a second before I pin it with the bobby pin, and that will help you to make the waves last longer! Then after I finish with the last section of hair I let it cool down for couple of minutes before going over with hairspray, I like Percy & Reed Reassuring Firm Session Hold Hairspray because it gives that very natural hold, it doesn't make the hair springy yet it keeps the shape... 

Once I am ready to get the bobby pins out I go through the hair with my fingers to get it into the shape I want and to soften the waves... Then I finish off again with a few sprays of the hairspray... Keep in mind that in the pictures the hair still has quite a defined wave, it does relax a little more after a while, and looks even more natural... I love wearing this hair, there is something about it that makes me feel happy... And you know the rule, when you feel happy you look great!


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