Monday, 5 November 2012

Caudalie Deep Cleansing Exfoliator...

A while ago my skin got super-super oily, far more then it usually gets, which followed by unclear skin and blocked pores... My guess is that it could have been a reaction towards a few skin care products I was trying out at that point... I use gentle exfoliators frequently in my skin care routine, however I needed something a little stronger... After Clinique Exfoliating Scrub, which I would really recommend against because it just messes your skin up making it over-produce oil and shifts it hopelessly out of balance instead of helping, it feels like sandpaper on your skin, incredibly harsh and unpleasant - after that experience I have been scarred for life putting scrubs anywhere near my face... 

But to get my skin clear I needed something that would have a texture yet still would be non abrasive... This Caudalie Deep Cleansing Exfoliator is amazing! I use this facial scrub no more than once a week, and already after the first time I could see a big difference, the little bumps were gone, and my skin looked smooth and clear next morning... It's very gentle even though it has a nice texture that helps to massage the skin and unblock pores... Of course keep in mind if you have active blemishes or acne break out you should stay away from scrubs... Do not use facial scrubs on broken skin as it only would irritate it further... But for things like unblocking pores, getting rid of flakiness and dead skin cells to reveal revitalised and fresh looking skin, it's fantastic!


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