Saturday, 10 November 2012

Lush Cupcake Fresh Face Mask...

Last night after I came home from Lush Spa where I tried their new awesome treatment The Comforter? [to read more click here] I was still feeling incredibly relaxed for the next few hours... All I was capable of was to fix a quick dinner, change into my bathrobe, slap on the Lush Cupcake Fresh Face Mask [to continue the chocolate theme so to speak], and slouch on the sofa watching Some Like It Hot...

I have used this facial mask a couple of times... Some of the ingredients are: Rhassoul Mud, Linseed Infusion, Cocoa Powder, Cocoa Butter, Fresh Mint, Sandalwood Oil, Spearmint Oil, and Peppermint Oil... Leave it on for 5-10 minutes and don't forget to put it back in the fridge! Because of the natural ingredients these facial masks I think only last a few weeks... Cupcake is great for oily skin type as it is absorbing and calming... It is not the most flattering facial as you can imagine but I did not care, it was my spa night! Jokes aside, if you are a chocoholic you will have a hard time not eating this delicious chocolaty mud paste - it smells just like a chocolate cake!



  1. That's my favourite Lush mask too, I got one on Saturday when I returned 5 empty pots. It smells so good but looks so creepy :)
    It does really help with the oil control on my skin too, have you tried any of the other masks? xx

    1. Nope I haven't yet, but I'm coming to my 5 empty pots soon too, so I think the next one I want to try is the blueberry one Catastrophe Cosmetic, it's also meant to be great for blemish prone skin! Have you tried that one? xx

    2. Yeah I've tried pretty much all of them at one point or another :)
      My favourites are cupcake for my crazy oily skin and if I'm feeling like I need a little TLC I go for Oatifix, it's delicious and brilliant for just making your skin feel smooth, soothed and pampered.
      I honestly didn't get on too well with Catastrophe Cosmetic, I found that it brought everything to my skin's surface and therefore broke me out, good in the long run but not the day before a big event or a day / night out :) xx

    3. Oh yes, I keep forgetting to mention every time I review a clay based mask - they do that, draw all the impurities to the surface! And same thing with Cupcake, had some stuff come out next day and the day after on the chin, but you know although no one likes having pimples I try to tell myself it's better that they are out rather than sitting there... And also things like blocked pores and all those bumps I think are coming from those little nasty buggers sitting in the skin before we get to see them...

      Oh and the other thing I find helpful to get rid of these things once they pop out is my bareMinerals Exfoliating Treatment Cleanser, I always use it at night when I need, literally next morning my skin looks healed, pores smaller, and skin in general clearer... My skin seems to respond to it really well, I try to use it sparingly so that it doesn't get used to it.. :) xx

    4. I'm obsessed with bare minerals ready eyeshadows and blushes, why not their skincare too :) I'll look it up, thank you.

      I do love a good detox mask, it's just not very nice sometimes when all you want is for your skin to look glowy and lovely, I definitely recommend oatifix for that, give that one a go sometime if you like and your skin will just feel so baby soft and soothed, it'sa lovely relaxing skin pepping up mask :) xx

    5. Thanks for the thumbs up, will try it! xx
