Friday, 15 June 2012

Pixi Lid & Eye...

colour: No.6 Smoky Plum

This is one of those things that may not look like much in the box but definitely punches you [in a good way!] once you get it out! It's basically three in one, eye liner, smudger, and dry powder eyeshadow... When I first held the pen I must have been on a slow track as it took me a while to figure out that the middle bit was the powder end... But once I have made the Columbus discovery this liner pencil has grown on me... It is actually pretty awesome! If you think about it it's a sleek pen that miraculously creates a super easy smoky eye, perfect for when on the go, or when you don't feel like messing about too much... No need for extra brushes for smudging and blending, no need for separate eyeshadows... I followed the  suggested guidelines at the back of the package and this is how it came out, pretty simple! Great discovery this was!


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