Thursday, 28 June 2012

MAC Pro Colour x 4 Compact...

wearing MAC Antiqued...

MAC Eyeshadow Refill Pans in Antiqued [L] & Coppering [R]... get the refill pans out hold and press at the bottom of the quad 
until you click that part out, 
underneath each refill pan you'll find a little scoop [you can see them in the pan holes]
 you can push your finger in and that way safely get the pan out!

Since my MAC 15 Pro Palette is full I decided to pick up my first eyeshadow quad compact... The great thing about MAC pro palettes is that all the eyeshadow refill pans stick to the magnet base and that way it's very easy to keep reorganising your eyeshadows as you go, very often you'll find yourself expanding your MAC eyeshadow collection - they are pretty awesome... Also having a quad means you can move some of the desired eyeshadows from the 15 Pro Palette, which space-wise is super convenient! I haven't researched the empty pro quads at all before getting it and thought they work the same way as the 15 pro palette.. When I got home I realised it's the updated version of the quad... 

After I put in the two refill pans, I immediately started wondering how to get them out... It took me over half an hour of googling 'how to' - I am pretty good when it comes to beauty-googling, but this was impossible(!) - literally noone seemed to talk about it... And finally as I was about to give up I found a girl on some beauty forum explaining it... Great success!! I must say I love how sleek and professional looking this quad is, I love the design as well as the functionality! And as for the two eyeshadows I got - Antiqued and Coppering are fantastic for blue/grey eyes, make them pop beautifully!! Also MAC Bronze is meant to be great, but it was sold out... Next time!

         Update: Check out this blog post if you also want to see the --> MAC Coppering on!


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