Friday, 8 June 2012

Soap & Glory Smoulder Kohl and Supercat...

top: Soap & Glory Supercat Liquid Black Eyeliner Pen
bottom: Soap & Glory Smoulder Kohl Waterproof Eyeliner in Superblack

 top - Soap & Glory Smoulder Kohl
bottom - Soap & Glory Supercat

Hi my loves! After a short break from beauty blogging here I am back with plenty of reviews to come! Now, who would have thought that Soap & Glory does decent make-up too... Previously I have blogged about my obsession with some of their bodycare products but I was quite surprised how good their make up products are, simply because I never associated Soap & Glory with make up... But, I especially enjoyed the Soap & Glory Smoulder Kohl, it's a perfect alternative to Avon Supershock  Gel Eyeliner... Its lasting power is amazing, as it says it is waterproof... You will need to work hard when taking your make up off - that's how waterproof it is, awesome for the summer! 

Also worth mentioning, it comes with a sharpener attached, so you won't need to run around like a Tasmanian devil looking for a sharpener when you most need it! In the first pic I'm wearing both of the eyeliners, Smoulder Kohl on the waterline and then smudged out... And with Supercat it was pretty easy to create a winged out cat-eye! With this kind of eyeliner pen which has a felt-tip lip applicator it is very easy to create an immaculate looking cat-eye, great for beginners or when you are in a rush... Beginner or pro it's basically hard to screw up with!


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