Wednesday, 20 June 2012

Summer Enamel Accessories...

I really like enamel pieces during the summer, there is something about it... Especially when they hardly cost anything but look expensive... That has been my mantra for ages, that you can look amazing without spending a fortune... Of course we all love a designer piece once in a while... But bargains are such fun, they make you feel great that because didn't spend much yet you got something pretty... The two together were well under 10 quid [ha!] and they are from Accessorize... And lets face it with this economy bargains is the way to go... When I saw the Enamel Heart earrings I could not walk past... Hearts and Loves scream my name! They will look great with a maxi dress and flat sandals, I find with earrings everything else has to be kept simple and minimal... That's why I hardly ever wear any earring as I do love my chunky watch, stuck rings, name necklace and occasional statement necklaces, which all would clash with any earring making the combo look disastrous... As for the Oui Non keyring it reminded me of that Oui Non Rabbit I saw with Big at the Saatchi a while ago, which I loved so much and it was a beautiful day,  so I couldn't say Non to that either...


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