Friday, 13 July 2012

Lola & Grace Jewellery...

Today at my shopping mall I found myself in Lola & Grace which opened apparently yesterday... I don't think I have ever been in a Lola & Grace before, but it's a jewellery brand... It was so full that I literally went in, got the necklace and straight out! I can't stand crowded shops... They have the special 50% off all necklaces as their opening weekend deal, explains the crowd! The crystals they use in their pieces are Swarovski... You can't see it on these pics but those square-ish bits are enamel on one side and crystal on the other... I believe it's called: 'Cascades - Long Necklace in Rose'... It's a one piece long necklace that you can double and wear layered as I did... The Cascades necklace is not too busy, it's a light and chic necklace, which I really licked and it went with that blouse I was wearing when I got it... 

Now that I think of it, it's actually funny, but predominantly all the jewellery I ever buy I can wear straight away... I kind of style it to the outfit I'm wearing, which I don't intend but I guess subconsciously the colours and the style I'm wearing I will also be drawn to in jewellery... Not sure if this makes sense... But since when does fashion make sense? Fashion is a feeling, and like any feeling it has a tendency to sway... Although I only was briefly in the shop I noticed they had a few pretty cool bright pieces that I will definitely check out with more precision next time, they are part of their Summer Trends 2012 Collection, which you can see on their website:


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